Surprising! Northcote Golf Course, Will it Survive Redevelopment?

Most recently in the news (2021) as spaced starved residents tired of lockdowns cut down fences to lie on the fairways!

northcote golf course green

With one Reddit review summing up one half of the debate with:

My wife and I recently walked around a closed public golf course close to our home. We had never seen inside before as were not golfers. We were staggered that such a beautiful expanse of stunning land, lakes and trees was only used to accessible to a handful of golfers. I have no interest in golf, zero, but I’d be happy to walk around the course from time to time.

As this is public land with a fee to use the course for golf, what would happen if I just walked in and went and sat by the lake? Would I get some gruff Caddyshack looking twat rolling up me blustering about not wanting “my sort” in here?

Need golf balls, Click Here -> Golf Balls – Golf Sale Central

And the other half (and in my opinion more logical) with this:

“Lol Merri Creek is literally right next door to the golf course. There are so many spots you can go explore and picnic on, and it is way more scenic then a bunch of open green spaces. This just seems like a ‘fark old rich white men’ thing.

Most people don’t even bother leaving the main trail on the Merri, the amount of people who actively explore the off path areas are actually quite limited. The idea that there are hundreds of families desperate for more open areas seems like a complete fabrication IMO, we already have a lot of open areas that are barely touched. There are multiple public parks next to the golf course on top of the Merri Creek, and most of these areas are barely used.

Also not to mention the Golf course will not even remotely be as well maintained as a parklands, and the amount of people who leave their trash at local public parklands, ovals, and creeks are still insanely high. The place will become littered with trash within weeks if it stops being a private golf course.

Also the idea that the whole community would actually use it is completely farcical. This is just a cheap political agenda topic riding off current community sentiment. No real logic to it.

The idea that Melbourne is lacking in space and people are desperate for more open areas is complete fabrication. Melbourne is one of the most open and nature filled cities in the world. But there are always going to be people who want more I guess”

But if you just want to play golf at the Northcote Golf Course:

For more information and how to book a round Click Here -> HOME – Northcote Public Golf Course
